The “LPC810 meets RFM69″ series, is being postponed a bit longer than anticipated, the relevant pieces are simply not ready and stable enough yet to present as working code. With my apologies for this change of plans. I’ll definitely get back to this – count on it!
For now, let’s start exploring another piece of the puzzle, when it comes to setting up a wireless network, and in particular a wireless sensor network (WSN).
- Pies, Bones, and Droids– Now
- Ian started it all with Debra– Thu
- Linux, pins, volts, and ports– Fri
- Installation-free uploads– Sat
As usual, each of the above articles will be ready on subsequent days.
If you’ve always wanted to try out Linux without messing with your computer – here’s a gentle introduction to the world of physical computing, from a Linux board’s perspective!
(For comments, visit the forum area)