Putting a chip on a board, as with the Tinker Pico, is one thing. Getting it to do something is quite another matter. We’ll want to develop tons of software for it and upload the code.
The uploading bit has already been solved by using a modified FTDI board, with some exciting new options coming up in the next few months. How’s that for a teaser, eh?
This week’s episode is about the software side of things. Toolchains, runtimes, build tools, IDE’s, that sort of thing. Brought to you – as usual – in a series of daily bite-sized articles:
- Exploring LPC824 peripherals– Wed
- Using MBED as toolchain– Thu
- LPCOpen and LPCXpresso– Fri
- Using the Eclipse IDE on Windows– Sat
- Or maybe none of the above?– Sun
I’m having a hard time making up my mind on which path to choose as future code base. The curse of having too many choices, each with their own trade-offs and compromises.
(For comments, visit the forum area)