As announced last week, I’ll be switching (pouring?) my efforts into a new series of µC’s for a while, so there’s quite a bit of work ahead to get going, and I really don’t want to dwell too much on the basics. The whole point is to get further, not redo everything and get nowhere!
So for this week, there will be a whole slew of posts. As usual, each next post will be ready on successive days, as I figure it all out and try to stay ahead of the game :)
- STM32F1’s and all that jazz– Wed
- Details of the STM32F103– Thu
- So many boards, so many µCs– Fri
- The Arduino IDE with STM32– Sat
- A few simple sketches for ARM– Sun
- Meet the RF Node Watcher– Mon
Here is a sneak preview of the main character in this exciting new adventure:
(For comments, visit the forum area)