Sparkblocks are a text-only version of the sparkline charts, using just unicode symbols. These are a convenient way to represent trends in pure text, quite useful when you want to use SMS, tweets or even the subject line of an email to show a story. Those of you following me on Twitter may have seen recent tweets of mine that look like this:
Home power consumption for the last 7 days: ▆▅▆▇▅▃▁
Here is how I did that:
First, I grabbed and installed a Python library for generating unicode text based sparkline bargraphs from lists of numbers. The Readme contains all you need to get the job done in 30 or less seconds.
Next, I registered with PushingBox - a neat service for cloud notifications. I created a simple scenario that would post a tweet with the sparkblocks for me, so that I keep my Python code as simple as possible:
The scenario receives an unique identifier called “DeviceID”, write this down for later use.
I log my power usage to emoncms, storing my kWhd data in feed number 5. I will be fetching week’s worth of data from that feed, converting it to text sparkblock and tweeting it using a simple Python script:
#!/usr/bin/python import time import urllib import json from sparkblocks import spark # import urllib, urllib2 from urllib import quote_plus API= "**********API***********" # emoncms API key feedID=5 # emoncms feed id that contains the kwh/d data deviceID = "****DeviceID******" #PushingBox deviceID sec_per_day = 60 * 60 * 24 end = (int(time.time())) #now start = (end - (7 * sec_per_day)) #7 days ago data_url = "" + API +"&id=" + str(feedID) + "&start=" + str(start*1000) + "&end=" + str(end*1000) + "&dp=" #urllib's urlencode doesn't take utf8, so use a custom one def urlencode_utf8(params): if hasattr(params, 'items'): params = params.items() return '&'.join( (quote_plus(k.encode('utf8'), safe='/') + '=' + quote_plus(v.encode('utf8'), safe='/') for k, v in params)) def pushingbox(key,val): url = '' values = {'devid' : key, 'msg' : val} try: data = urlencode_utf8(values) req = urllib2.Request(url, data) sendrequest = urllib2.urlopen(req) except Exception, detail: print "Error ", detail # read in the data from emoncms try: sock = urllib.urlopen(data_url) data_str = sock.close except Exception, detail: print "Error ", detail data = json.loads(data_str) x=0 sparkval=[] #A list to hold the sparkline values data.reverse() #Reversed order, as we want newest data last in the sparkline for i in data: sparkval.append(float(data[x][1])) #first parameter is the timestamp, ignoring it #print float(data[x][1]) x+=1 pushingbox(deviceID,spark(sparkval))
Finally, I set a cron job to run this every Sunday just before midnight.
Neat, right?