JeeLabs: USB on STM32F10x µCs
Every µC from the STM32F10x family has hardware built-in to support USB. The earlier (i.e. smaller) STM32F103’s have a more limited implementation that more recent models. There are some really strange...
View ArticleJeeLabs: And so Forth...
This week’s episode will be a short one, as I try to push though some issues and prepare for greater things to come.First, a little progress report on getting USB going in Mecrisp Forth on the...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Forth in 7 easy steps
Forth is a simple language, with simple rules and a simple execution model. It’s also self-hosted and interactive - you can type this at the prompt:1 2 + .<cr>What you’ll get as response is this...
View ArticleNathan Amazon Echo Alexa Skills Kit integration with Node-RED
Amazon EchoI have been using my Amazon Echo and a Raspberry Pi running AlexaPi for voice control of lights, appliances and modes using ha-bridge, a Java app that emulates the Philips Hue API which is...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Preparing for serial re-flashing
The STM32F103 µC chips all have a ROM-based boot loader on board. Most chips variants can only be re-flashed via USART1, using the PA9 and PA10 pins, so we will need to connect to that serial port...
View ArticleJeeLabs: From Zero To Wireless
This week, I’m going to set up a wireless node from scratch, using an STM32F103 board, RFM69 radio module, serial USB interface board, and very simple software:The result is a node with all the...
View ArticleJeeLabs: A new serial tool: vive la Folie!
Working with embdded µC boards involves quite a few steps: apart from the hardware itself, you need to connect to it and figure out how to upload code, of course. But you also think about the...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Adding the RFM69 module
The last step to create a wireless node is to hook up the RFM radio. Here is what we’re after:There are 4 signals and 2 power pins to connect (more can be added later, for pin...
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