mharizanov: WiFi Thermostat with weekly scheduler
The WiFi SSR board project changed a bit and I use classical relays instead of SSRs now. The reason is that SSRs tend to get quite hot when switching larger loads, and the 8A relays I last used...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Micro Power Snitch, part 3
There’s trouble ahead for the MPS: it’s not reliable enough yet, and can enter a “zombie mode” whereby the µC won’t have enough voltage to start up, while drawing so much current (relatively speaking)...
View Articlemharizanov: Making IFTTT (If This Then That) talk to Node-RED
IFTTT (short for “If This Then That”) is a popular service which lets you trigger actions based on certain events that occur around the Internet. It is missing an important functionality (IMHO), namely...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Micro Power Snitch, part 4
At the end of the day, the Micro Power Snitch (MPS) is really about powering up and down robustly under all circumstances. There will be times when there is no energy coming from the Current...
View ArticleNathan ESP8266 ESP-03 Dev Board
This is a small dev board I designed to make experimenting with and deploying the ESP8266 ESP-03 modules a bit easier. As well as breaking out all the pins to 2.54mm headers it has a position to fit...
View Articlemharizanov: DIY Internet connected smart humidifier
I worked on creating a Internet connected humidistat last week using my open source WiFi relay project as platform. We observe quite dry air at our house, I suspect this is due to the fact that we use...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Micro Power Snitch, last part
In this concluding part (for now) about the Micro Power Snitch, which feeds off the magnetic field around an AC mains power cable when in use, I’ll look into how the whole circuit behaves when it comes...
View Articlemharizanov: Speech generation with Node-RED
I am flooded with all sorts of notifications on my phone and that gets a bit annoying after time. Email, calendar, SMS, social apps, instant messengers, all sorts of push notification alerts and so...
View ArticleJeeLabs: From LPC810 to LPC812
No, I haven’t abandoned the Micro Power Snitch!But some projects are trickier than others, and this one didn’t want to play along when I tried it again on my new PCB design. I fixed one glaring wiring...
View Articlemharizanov: Using RFM69CW instead of RFM12B
The rumors for RFM12B’s end-of-life two years ago seem to have been highly exaggerated now and the popular RF module is still available in abundance. HopeRF has introduced a pin-compatible upgrade, the...
View Articlemharizanov: Using DS18B20/DHT22 temperature sensor with internal pull-up...
I’ve been meaning to try Josh’s 4-line change to the OneWire Arduino library that enables using the popular DS18B20 temperature sensor without the otherwise required external 4.7K pull-up resistor on...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Emulating EEPROM
The LPC8xx series has no EEPROM memory. This type of Electrically Erasable memory is very useful to store configuration settings which need to be retained across power cycles:But we can emulate it with...
View Articlemharizanov: Funky v3 with RFM69CW using LowPowerLab’s RF69 library
I’ve already blogged about using Funky v3 and RFM-2-Pi with the HopeRF RFM69CW module, only I used it with JCW’s Jeelib as I wanted to keep compatibility with my existing RFM12B based sensor network....
View ArticleJeeLabs: Analog on the cheap
Digital chips can’t do analog directly– you need an A/D converter for that, right?Not so fast. Just as pulse-width modulation (PWM) can be used to turn a purely digital signal into a varying analog...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Dataflash via SPI
One of the things I’m going to need at some point is additional flash memory. Since the simplest way these days to add more memory is probably via SPI, that’s what I’ll use.This week’s episode is about...
View ArticleJeeLabs: We interrupt this program
… for an important announcement from our sponsor:Just kidding, of course!But it got your attention, right? Good. That’s what this week’s episode is about: taking care of something unexpected, i.e....
View ArticleJeeLabs: Micro Power Snitch, part 6
And you thought the MPS was finished, or perhaps abandoned, eh?This week resumes the development of a little LPC810-/RFM69-powered setup which runs on parasitic power, harvested from either phase of a...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Micro Power Snitch, part 7
The two problems with projects powered by harvested energy, are: 1) running out of juice, and 2) falling into a state of limbo and not (or not consistently) getting out of it again.Here is an example...
View Articlemharizanov: Physical vs Virtual
The Raspberry Pi, a $35 credit card sized computer, is a popular choice for home automation projects. I am running few of those at home myself. But what is the true cost of these, is the advertised...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Micro Power Snitch, success!
We’ve come to the eighth and final episode of the Micro Power Snitch story: it’s working! The circuit is transmitting wireless packets through the RFM69 radio module running on nothing but harvested...
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