There are many ways to experiment with embedded development, which is what the Arduino IDE really is all about. But before diving more into using the Arduino IDE with STM32 µCs, I’d like to mention another option, based on a Raspberry Pi (A+, B+, or 2):
It’s called the ARMinARM board, by a company called OnAndOffables: a board with an STM103RE, sitting on top of the RasPi, with lots of connections to communicate through.
I’ll briefly touch on alternatives, but I like this setup because of how these two boards work together. Unlike a Win/Mac/Lin setup, this combo has everything-in-one for development.
So here goes for this week’s episode of articles, dished out in small daily doses:
- ARMinARM can set you free!– Wed
- A plethora of tools on the Pi– Thu
- Developing in C/C++ for STM32– Fri
- Developing in Lua for STM32– Sat
- Developing in JavaScript for STM32– Sun
As you will see, there’s quite a bit of potential in this little 7x6x3 cm package!
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