JeeLabs: Programmer PCB Triple Play
To follow up on last week’s upload articles, I’m going to turn a couple of these boards into Black Magic Probe programmers:From left to right: an STM Nucleo F103RB (any Nucleo will do, though), a board...
View ArticleNathan Sending Pins to the Pebble Timeline
Pins added via Node.jsThere are a number of different libraries available for sending pins to the Timeline on a Pebble watch, including those for Javascript, Node.js, Ruby, Python, PHP and C. To use...
View ArticleNathan Pebble Timeline node for Node-RED
Pin NotificationThe reason behind the last post was so that I could create a node for Node-RED to send pins to the Timeline on a Pebble smartwatch.To use this you obviously need a Pebble Time (or a...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Pi-based STM32F103 development
There are many ways to experiment with embedded development, which is what the Arduino IDE really is all about. But before diving more into using the Arduino IDE with STM32 µCs, I’d like to mention...
View ArticleNathan Sending Pins to the Pebble Timeline
Pins added via Node.jsThere are a number of different libraries available for sending pins to the Timeline on a Pebble watch, including those for Javascript, Node.js, Ruby, Python, PHP and C. To use...
View ArticleNathan Pebble Timeline node for Node-RED
Pin NotificationThe reason behind the last post was so that I could create a node for Node-RED to send pins to the Timeline on a Pebble smartwatch.To use this you obviously need a Pebble Time (or a...
View ArticleJeeLabs: A fingernail vs a moon lander
Small microcontroller chips, modern laptops/desktops – the range of computing power is enormous nowadays. So enormous, that it can be pretty hard to grasp the magnitude.This week, I’m going to do some...
View ArticleNathan Background Radiation Monitoring
Geiger counter kit connected to Tiny328A little Saturday afternoon project last weekend was putting together this geiger counter kit from RH Electronics in Israel, paired with a soviet SBM-20...
View ArticleJeeLabs: A diversion into FPGAs
Last week’s exploration of “processing with limited computing power” a few decades ago has led me into another direction which turned out to be mesmerising and addictive…All due to a chip called a...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Switching to a new server
As you may know, the various websites here at JeeLabs are served locally. Houten offers very fast Fiber-To-The-Home connections, my ISP (XS4ALL) is excellent, and I don’t see the point of putting...
View Articlemharizanov: ESP32
I’m one of the lucky 200 that got their hands on the early beta of Espressif’s new ESP32 chip evaluation board. It is the “big brother” to the popular ESP8266, Espressif has though noted that it should...
View ArticleFairTradeElectronics: Electric Versus Propane: What Is The Best Heater Option?
Most of us will have to wait for the summer sunshine before we can enjoy outdoor dining with friends and families. Thankfully, outdoor patio heaters are available these days and keep us warm whilst...
View ArticleFairTradeElectronics: Peer Support And Its Different Categories
The term- peer support is perhaps known to many people. It, in fact, denotes the help or assistance to people, who are ill mentally or physically. The help can be practical, emotional or social...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Tying up 2015’s loose ends
As the end of 2015 is approaching and now that the new server setup has been completed, it’s time to clean up some remaining loose ends. Spring cleaning is early, here at JeeLabs!Next week will be a...
View ArticleFairTradeElectronics: Provide A Safe And Enjoyable Living Environment To Your...
Having a pet in the house comes with several responsibilities. No matter, it is a dog or a bird; it needs equal attention, a safe and hygienic place to live and entertainment. So, if you are ready to...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Turning the page on 2015
As the last few days of 2015 pass, I’d like to reflect on the recent past but also look forward to things to come. For one, the JeeLabs weblog is now thriving again: the new weekly post-plus-articles...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Tying up 2015's loose ends
As the end of 2015 is approaching and now that the new server setup has been completed, it’s time to clean up some remaining loose ends. Spring cleaning is early, here at JeeLabs!Next week will be a...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Getting the most out of rsync
The rsync utility is an amazing workhorse tool: it synchronises file system trees in a very efficient manner, only sending changes in data. Which is particularly useful across a network connection, as...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Temporary post-HouseMon script
With the original Mac Mini server now decommissioned, this also marks the end of the HouseMon installation here at JeeLabs. In this case, it was the older 0.7.0 release - based on Node.js and written...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Great visibility, no cloud in sight
Here is some wonderful art called “Nimbus-Probe” by Berndnaut Smilde, a Dutch artist:A cloud, captured inside a house - how very appropriate for this article!With the completion of the recent server...
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