As I continue my quest for reliability of my Raspberry Pi computer, I stumbled upon something interesting that I didn’t know existed - hardware watchdog for Raspberry Pi. For those hearing this term for the first time, a watchdog is a hardware timer that needs to be regularly restarted in software. Failing to restart it means the computer is crashed and will result in a system restart.
So following the instructions, I have installed watchdog for my Pi:
Install watchdog
sudo apt-get install watchdog
Uncomment the following line in /etc/watchdog.conf
watchdog-device = /dev/watchdog
Edit /etc/modules
sudo editor /etc/modules
And add the following:
# hardware watchdog bcm2708_wdog
Run the following command to activate the module and service:
sudo modprobe bcm2708_wdog sudo service watchdog restart
I hope this helps improve the overall reliability of my Raspberry Pi computer. (84)