JeeLabs: FanBots at RoboCup 2013
There’s an event coming up in a few days in Eindhoven, called the RoboCup 2013:This is the world championship of robotic football. For all ages, and with various levels of sophistication. Some robots...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Packaged but not virtualised
Since VMware started virtualising x86 hardware many years ago, many uses have been found for this approach of creating fully self-contained software environments. I’ve used VMware many years, and was...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Meet the FanBot
The FanBot is a very simple robot based on a small PCB with microcontroller by Peter Brier, some LEDs as eyes and mouth, and a servo to allow the robot to wave its arms:Over a thousand boards have been...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Status of the RFM12B
The RFM12B wireless radio module has been around for quite some time. When I found out about it at the time, I really liked the mix of features it provided – far more capable than the morse-code like...
View ArticleJeeLabs: FanBot Registration System
Nearly 400 FanBots have already been built – see this page and the KekBot weblog.To finish this little series, I wanted to describe the little setup I built and how it was done. Nothing spectacular,...
View Articlemharizanov: Miniature OLED status display with Funky v2
I purchased a small serial OLED display few weeks ago, it showed up yesterday at the mail box. Dimensions of the PCB are (WxHxD):30x28x4.8mm (1.2X1.1×0.19″) and the display itself is 22x12mm with...
View ArticleJeeLabs: From PWM to voltage
The Arduino library has always had an “analogWrite()” function, even though the ATmega doesn’t have any way to generate a varying voltage. So why the name?Well, what most microcontrollers can do is...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Summer Break
It’s that time of year again: 1st of July, and time for me to take a break.Just as last year, this is going to be my last post on this JeeLabs weblog post for a while – two months to be exact. This...
View Articlemharizanov: Optimizing DS18B20 code for low power applications
I have been uneasy with the conversion time that the DS18B20 temperature sensors have, it is 750 ms when using the 12-bit resolution:The 12-bit resolution is the default power-on, so when powering the...
View Articlemharizanov: Temperature to color encoding for visual status display using RGB...
I sometimes need to quickly check on certain temperature reading and find myself walking to one of my status displays to see, for example, if there will be enough solar hot water for a hot tub. I...
View Articlemharizanov: Reducing RFM12B transmission power
@Dimitrios noted something very important in the comments to an earlier my post on low-power sketch:One of the things I noticed when I started playing with the RFM12B module was that the receiver front...
View Articlemharizanov: High AC mains voltage
My house is second to the power supply transformer and I have been observing some pretty high AC voltage levels. I previously had a really cheap multimeter and thought that the readings are off because...
View Articlemharizanov: Raspberry Pi email/SMS doorbell notifier + picture of the person...
I have been receiving requests to build a SMS doorbell from all around the world ever since my SMS doorbel project got featured on hackaday, damnGeeky, hackedgadgets and few other places . My approach...
View Articlemharizanov: OLED analog clock
I have updated my OLED status display project with an option for analog clock:I also experimented with drawing bitmaps, a thermometer is drawn to the right of the clock face that changes its reading...
View Articlemharizanov: Wireless body temperature monitor/logger
I have been experimenting the last couple days with a wearable electronics project – a wireless body temperature monitor/logger. The idea is to remotely monitor kids body temperature, if they are sick,...
View Articlemharizanov: Tweeting coffee machine using Raspbery Pi
Here is a small project for social network connected home appliance, done for the sake of fun, but provides a good learning experience. I will be connecting my coffee machine to Twitter since I am one...
View Articlemharizanov: Funky v2 revision 2
I have made a small improvement to the Funky v2 by adding a reset button to the PCB. The lack of reset button in the previous releases caused some inconvenience when the sketch being run disables USB...
View Articlemharizanov: Flood alarm
My father had a leaking pipe accident last year, and it happened while he was away from his place for a week. The water was flowing for few days before he returned and that caused damage for thousands...
View Articlemharizanov: Moving the root file system of Raspberry Pi to external USB drive
I have had enough of damaged Raspberry Pi SD cards due to frequent power outages here. This week I have ended up with damaged SD card number three and had to take measures to prevent this from...
View Articlemharizanov: Putting Raspberry Pi’s hardware watchdog to work
As I continue my quest for reliability of my Raspberry Pi computer, I stumbled upon something interesting that I didn’t know existed - hardware watchdog for Raspberry Pi. For those hearing this term...
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