mharizanov: Funky v2 now poses as LilyPad Arduino USB
In an effort to make the Funky v2 even easier to use, I decided to make it appear as a standard LilyPad Arduino USB by using the same USB VID/PID pair. This will enable using it with Arduino IDE...
View Articlemharizanov: Re-vamping my Daikin Internet Air-conditioner controller
I’ve created a new shield for my micro Internet of Things gateway to allow driving an IR LED, added a micro SD card slot, FTDI pinout for easy programming and a visible status LED. I also added a TMP36...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Energy Hack June 15 in Berlin
For the German readers… got this announcement in which might be of interest to you:[...] It will be a day of hacking the open energy data by Berlin’s main energy provider and exploring hardware hacks...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Yes, we CAN bus
The CAN Bus is a very interesting wired bus design, coming from the automobile industry (and probably built into every European car made today). It’s a bus with an ingenious design, avoiding bus...
View ArticleJeeLabs: It takes two to CAN
The CAN bus described yesterday keeps drawing my interest. It feels right on many levels…Anyway, for a real CAN bus test, I’ve set up two nodes, to be able to see a full handshake:That’s one node...
View Articlemharizanov: Running on ‘dead’ batteries
I have a load of used AA/AAA batteries (0.9-1.2V), that I keep to run my LTC-3525 enabled projects like Funky v1 and v2; however the LTC-3525 will work down to 0.8V so the batteries are declared ‘dead’...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Solar PV production
This is the sort of graph I’ve been waiting for – now that there is more sun, at last:(the steep increases and decreases are probably due to shadows from the other roofs)All values were obtained from...
View Articlemharizanov: Logging manualy entered values to emonCMS using keypad
I have finally found some time today to put my keypad project into work, namely I decided to use it for weight logging project here a home. The idea is simple: take measurement using the bathroom...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Speedy Raspberry
The Raspberry Pi is an amazing little board, with an amazing amount of power and functionality at an incredible price – it’s probably fair to say that our technology geek’s world will never be the same...
View Articlemharizanov: 7 months of sending and still going
My Funky+DS18B20 temperature logging project is still running on that same CR2032 battery ever since my original post back in Oct 31st 2012, that makes it 7 months of run time so far.I have a live...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Move over, raspberry
The Raspberry_Pi is a great little board at an amazing little price. But as mentioned yesterday, it’s not very fast as a server. I suspect that a lot of it has to do with the SD card interface and the...
View ArticleJeeLabs: What if you’re out of wireless range?
Welcome to the weekly What-If series, also available via the Café wiki.Ok, so you’ve got some JeeNodes up and running, all talking to each other or to a central node via the wireless RFM12B module. Or…...
View ArticleJeeLabs: A thousand days!
It’s getting a bit repetitive, but I just noticed this:That’s over 1000 days of sending out one packet a minute on this thing:… and over 100 days on the recent JeeNode Micro v3:The battery boost...
View ArticleJeeLabs: CANopen sits on top of CAN
The CANopen protocol sits on top of the low-level CAN bus protocol. Due to the way CAN bus packets are tagged with a message ID, but not specifically routed from or to a specific device (i.e. node),...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Trying out CANopen
Time for some electronics doodling… here are two LPCxpresso boards, with LPC11C24 ARM chips on each. One of them has been cut in half and hacked, as you can see:The reason for using this chip is that...
View ArticleJeeLabs: What’s inside that chip?
Came across an interesting post the other day, from a Russian site which looks “under the hood” of some sophisticated chips – some well-known in the West, some less so.First, the technique of using...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Another new kid on the block
Besides the Odroid U2 quad-core Linux board mentioned a few days ago, there’s another option in the same price range as the Raspberry Pi – the Beaglebone Black, a.k.a. “BBB”:Yeah, ok, it’s slightly...
View Articlemharizanov: Cheap DIY power monitor
My father asked me to create a standalone power monitor for him, he’d like attach it to some appliance and see its momentary and accumulated over time power consumption. Using OpenEnergyMonitor’s...
View Articlemharizanov: Texas Instruments SimpleLink CC3000 WiFi Module
There is a relatively new product by Texas Instruments – the SimpleLink CC3000 WiFi module that is quite small and cheap – $12. Looks quite promising, size is about as much as a fingernail:There is a...
View Articlemharizanov: DHT22 accuracy test part 2/2
I have measured the relative humidity as per my set up, and got steady readouts exactly in the 75% area as expected:DHT22 Library Demo Requesting data...Got Data 25.50C 75.20% Integer-only reading:...
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