mharizanov: Micro IoT gateway RFM12B shield update
I have created a new version of the micro Internet of Things gateway RFM12b shield since the first revision had some drawbacks. The new version has a port that allows an OLED display to be plugged on...
View Articlemharizanov: Pong clock on Raspberry Pi + 1.8″ TFT
There was a blog post on couple days ago about a pong clock, these seem to be quite popular these days. A simple search on hack-a-day shows dozens of such projects, so the idea...
View Articlemharizanov: Installing emoncms’s “events” module
I use emoncms to log telemetry readings from various sources (wireless sensor nodes, software bots etc), the so logged data helps my IoT connected gadgets make decisions, based on pre-defined rules....
View Articlemharizanov: Raw infrared serial
When interfacing my gadgets to the physical world, I often need to deal with IR of all sorts: air conditioners, TV, audio equipment, media center and so forth. These are all of different brand, so...
View Articlemharizanov: Trying out bistable/latching relay
I purchased a Ciseco bistable/latching relay few months ago for the sake of trying it out. I don’t have a particular project that requires one, just wanted to toy with it. If you haven’t heard of this...
View Articlemharizanov: Non-contact AC detection
Alex from insideGadgets had an interesting project last year on non-contact AC detection and I wanted to try it out and learn how it works. He hooked one leg of a 1M ohm resistor to GND and a wire to...
View ArticleJohn Cantor : Stand-by power and air-source heat pumps
I have been aware for some time that my 5kW air-source heat pump (ASHP) has been using about 3/4 of a kWh/day whilst doing 'nothing' over the summer (no circulation pumps running), but recently I have...
View Articlemharizanov: Every μA counts
When you run a project on battery, you are always thinking on how to conserve power so that you run longer. In the case of wireless remote nodes you do that by sleeping a lot and only waking up briefly...
View Articlemharizanov: Raspberry Pi root file system in read-only mode
I have found my Raspberry Pi running the root file system off a USB flash drive in no good state this morning, the following error showing up on emoncms that was installed locally:Can't connect to...
View Articlemharizanov: Rock-solid RFM2Pi gateway solution
I have had a good share of frustration with damaging Raspberry Pi SD cards due to wearing out/improper shut downs as a result from power failures and was looking for solution to this sort of problems...
View Articlemharizanov: Domestic hot water for free
Tricky blog post title, mostly true, but as you know there is no such thing as free lunch Anyway, those of you following my blog know that I have a Daikin air-to-air heat pump hacked into air-to-water...
View Articlemharizanov: Door sensor
I have recently purchased a magnetic contact switch to toy with. These are really cheap sensors that are used to detect door (or window) opening/closing events. The principle of work is simple, the...
View Articlemharizanov: Raspberry Pi kernel with Frame Buffer TFT support
The 1.8″ TFT display that I use with my Raspberry Pi is really fun, but setting the kernel to work with it was a nightmare. Not any more thanks to the work of @notro. With the following instructions,...
View Articlemharizanov: Clapping to control RF power sockets
I did a fun experiment this evening, clap controlling RF power sockets using Funky v2‘s radio module and a sound sensor breakout module. The latter is pretty cheap one, respectively low quality and...
View ArticleJeeLabs: It’s been a while…
… since that last blog post. Time to get back into the fun – and I can’t wait!This summer was spent in comfort and relaxation, a lot of it in and around the house, as everyone had left Houten, leaving...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Making software choices
If there were just one video in the field of software and technology which I’ve watched this summer and would really like to recommend, then it’s this one from about a year ago:Brian Ford: Is Node.js...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Electricity usage patterns
Given that electricity usage here is monitored with a smart meter which periodically phones home to the electricity company over GPRS, this is the sort of information they get to see:Consumption in...
View Articlemharizanov: CR2032 battery discharge pattern
The Funky v1 + DS18B20 room temperature monitoring project that I installed in our living room on October 31st 2012 has stopped sending. This actually happened few days ago (Aug 10th 2013), but I just...
View ArticleJeeLabs: My development setup – utilities
As promised, one final post about my development setup– these are all utilities for Mac OSX. There are no doubt a number of equivalents for other platforms. Here’s my top 10:Alfred– Keyboard commands...
View ArticleJeeLabs: Gearing up for the new web
Well… new for me, anyway. What a fascinating world in motion we live in:first there was the “pre-web”, with email BBS’es and very clunky modem linksthen came Nestcape Navigator – and the world would...
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